Developers' Blog

Developer Docs: June round-up


Hello, and welcome to the June round-up of updates and additions to the Skedulo Developer Guides. As usual, we’ve been working hard to keep our developer docs up-to-date and easy to use!

API documentation: now with added interactivity for developers

The API documentation has undergone improvements to facilitate a more functional and complete experience for developers. Now, it’s possible to edit examples and execute API requests directly from within the documentation simply by providing an Authentication token in the API Key and Bearer fields. Explore the updated API docs today and experience the new features firsthand!

Pages documentation

The structure of the articles in the Create and customize pages area has been flattened to enable easier browsing from the sidebar and make it more obvious where to find the help you need.

In addition, a new article called Manage pages has been added to explain features available from the Platform page, including the new Select all functionality.

Error codes

The Error codes article has been updated with the latest error codes that might be encountered when creating and customizing pages.

New feedback form

Love what you see? Or have you encountered an issue with the documentation that you want to inform us of? All feedback is welcome, good or bad, and it’s now easier than ever with the new feedback form at the bottom of each article in the developer guide. Click Yes or No, and then just pop in your email address and your comment and click Submit and we’ll be able to take action (or bask in the praise).
