Developers' Blog

Developer Docs: May round-up


Hello, and welcome to the May round-up of updates and additions to the Skedulo Developer Guides. We’ve made some great changes to make these guides more complete and easier to use!

Create duplicate pages

You can now duplicate platform pages with just the click of a button. Easily customize your pages or experiment with new ideas safe in the knowledge that you have a good backup. Visit the Create and customize pages article in the Customize and extend section of our developer guide to learn more about how to use this new feature.

Node.js v14

Skedulo’s Packages SDK has been updated in line with AWS’s plans to end support for Node.js v12. Skedulo Packages and Connected Functions now only support v14 and you can read more about how to upgrade your existing packages in our developer documentation.

The latest version of the SDK can be downloaded from the Skedulo web app and we recommend upgrading existing packages to run on v14 as soon as possible.

Copy code snippets

We’ve taken the hassle out of copying and pasting code from our docs by adding a Copy button above each snippet. This makes it much easier for you to test the examples provided in our documentation, so go forth and experiment!

Record Access Policies

Record access policies, the feature that allows you to control what data is visible to different users based on highly customizable rules, now has developer docs to help administrators understand how the rules work and how to use the feature to meet complex business needs.
